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Urban Trade Breakdowns: Munehisa Honma, Zen and the Art of Making Money

Munehisa Honma was the greatest trader in history. The OG. A bad motherfucker and a good person. He went deep and invented the game as we know it. This is going to tax your Instagram attention spans but I couldn’t think of another way to tell the story and I’m lazy and didn’t feel like editing. Way back in the day, rice was money in Japan. They needed it and survived on it and lacking a better unit of currency to tax and oppress your people, the Japanese Shogun (the main man) authorized a rice futures market. Munehisa Honma was born in 1717 in Sakata. They grow rice there. He was adopted into a farming family with a small plot of land and as is their tradition, when he became a man he was given responsibility for the family’s money. When you are born into the the lowest class in a feudal country where there ain’t really shit else to do and all you know is rice, if you don’t want grow rice, another option was to trade it. This is what Honma decided he wanted to do and he thought that if
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